

Friday, October 22, 2010

Cider #3: Red Branch's Hard Black Cherry Cider

Cherry Cider??? B'uuuh??? Yup you read that right, CHERRY Cider! Black Cherry cider that is! Ciders don't only come in apple flavors, there's several fruits that ciders can be mixed with, most of the popular ones are Pear and Raspberry. I first found this Cherry cider at the big So. California Renaissance Pleasure Faire, but it was only available at 1 or 2 booths and sold out FAST! As luck would have it, I stumbled upon it at BevMo in Irvine!

Made by Red Branch Cider Company, out of Sunnyvale, California. They're mainly known for their Mead (which I totally need to try!) but offer several flavors of Cider. Their website looks to still be under construction, but here it is for info:

What's neat about this Cider is the bottle it comes in! A re-sealable pressure cork top! First opening up the bottle you get a nice "POP",  like a small version of a champagne bottle being opened. A very sweet cherry smell with just a hint of cider. The first pour had very minimal bubbles and fuzz that quickly went away and left a slight pinkish- red color. Very bright and lively.

Surprisingly it's a very smooth, non-tart Cider. I was expecting the typical "bite" most cherry drinks have. I'm also happy to report that it doesn't taste anything like a cough syrup or any medicine. Also lacks the fake cherry flavor most alcoholic drinks suffer from.

Just a very slight taste of apple, with a nice strong taste of freshly picked cherries, without the "winey" after flavor. The use of honey is what finishes off the smoothness of this Cider. I would consider this more of a "dessert" cider and would be AWESOME with Chocolate cake!

I give this a 4.5 our of 5 apples!

16oz., 6.9% alc./vol. $6.00


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